Monday 22 September 2014

Welcome to Human Kinetics!

Welcome to the new Human Kinetics Coop at Sullivan!

Over the semester, we are going to explore topics related to physical fitness, training principles & health.  We are going to learn about the effect that exercise has on different body systems, & put those into practise while improving our fitness in Super Fit & Exercise Science.  Be ready to be curious, ask questions, push yourself out of your comfort zone and explore your potential.
I'm so excited for an excellent semester together!


Period 2 - English 12 - Mrs. Khrod (P9)

Period 3 - Biology 12 - Phillips (P9)
Period 4 - Exercise Science 12 - Phillips (P9/gym)
Period 5 - Super Fit 12 - Phillips (gym)

Work Experience 12 (2 weeks - start of December)
Our class time and gym times are flexible throughout the day - which allows for great opportunity for field trips during the semester.  Being active in the community is an important part of the Co-op, between work experience placements and participation in field trip opportunities.

Media release and field trip forms will be coming out soon to be signed and returned by your parents.

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