Wednesday 14 January 2015

Exercise Science Assignment - movement of muscles videos

We will be building on our knowledge of the skeletal system when we learn about muscles & their actions this week.  All skeletal muscles connect to bones, and their primary function is to shorten when they contract, or lengthen as they relax.  Because the muscles are connected to bones across joints, as the muscle shortens, the bones move closer together - and that is movement!  This lengthening and shortening is coordinated by our nervous system (motor nerves).  Muscles work in pairs across a joint, and act in opposite ways (antagonists).  For example, the biceps shortening causes the arm to bend at the elbow - what muscle causes the opposite effect?  The elbow to straighten?  The triceps located at the back of the arm.

You have been working on learning the location of the following muscles with your colouring package and labelling sheets.  Now your assignment is to show the MOVEMENT that these muscles create when they contract.  You can work in partners and choose 12 different muscles (no repeat muscles of the same group, ie. gluteus maximus and minimus), research their origin and insertion points, and the movement they cause when they contract.  You will be creating very short - 2 second videos that show the muscle, and it's movement.  NOTE:  muscles can only create movement when they CONTRACT or shorten.  The video should show only ONE movement (not bending elbow and straightening it - that is two muscles actions).
The link below (inner body) is pretty good - but you might be able to find better!

Choose your muscles - you can use any of the muscles from the list below or from your colouring sheets, copy and paste chart from below onto your blog and complete it in point form, make your videos - upload and post.
  • sternocleidomastoid
  • pectoralis major
  • serratus anterior
  • intercostal muscles
  • rectus abdominus
  • external obliques
  • iliopsoas
  • latissimus dorsi
  • trapezius
  • gluteus minimus
  • gluteus maximus
  • iliotibial tract
  • sartorius
  • rectus femoris
  • biceps femoris
  • semimembranosis
  • semitendinosis
  • vastus intermedius
  • vastus lateralis
  • vastus medialis
  • adductors
  • tibialis anterior
  • gastrocnemius
  • soleus
  • biceps brachii
  • deltoid
  • triceps brachii
  • teres major
  • brachioradialus

Assignment chart:


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