Monday 5 January 2015

Protein synthesis

This week in Biology we are completing our unit on Protein synthesis that we started before the break.  We have learned about cell structure and organelles, DNA & DNA replication.  We compared the structure of DNA to that of RNA.

Now, we get to learn about the following - transcription (DNA acts as a template to create a single strand of messenger RNA - mRNA, which occurs within the nucleus) and translation which occurs within the cell at a ribosome - where the mRNA codons (groups of 3 bases on the strand) are "read" by the ribosome, transfer RNA with the corresponding "anti-codons" bring the right amino acid to the ribosome to start creating the polypeptide.

Here is a webpage with a video that provides an overview of the process with narration:

We are going to finish our notes on this topic and do some practise transcription and translation.  

You will be making stop motion animation project to show your understanding of this topic...

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