Monday 20 October 2014

Biology 12 - Oct 21

Your assignment in the library today is to be curious about the respiratory system.
Find out the most interesting things that you can about the respiratory system.  Stick with one theme (ie.  tree growing in lung, effects of cigarette smoke, lung punctured by wayward javelin, vital capacities of various olympic swimmers, dangers to respiratory system of scuba diving)

You will be presenting what you find to the class so be sure that you understand your material and be able to relate your topic back to what we are learning about in class.

Today you will be creating blog post where you have written about your interesting topic and included links to video clips, pictures (for us to see and for your presentation) & links to the articles that you have read.
YOU MUST POST SOMETHING BY THE END OF PERIOD 3 TODAY, even if you need to edit it afterwards...

I am looking forward to reading some interesting posts!  Have fun!

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