Tuesday 28 October 2014

Skeleton costume project - Ex Sci

Using our colouring sheets & images from the internet as a guide (make sure the pics are anatomically correct & science based) we will be making skeletons out of paper to stick onto black clothes on Friday morning.  If you already have a costume on, you can affix your skeleton to your paper me (2nd choice!)

Using white paper (or bring white poster board), make each of the following bones in full size:

  • clavicle
  • sternum
  • ribs
  • scapula
  • humerus
  • radius
  • ulna
  • carpals
  • metacarpals
  • phalanges
  • cervical vertebrae
  • thoracic vertebrae
  • lumbar vertebrae
  • sacrum
  • coccyx
  • illium
  • ischium
  • femur
  • patella
  • tibia
  • fibula
  • talus
  • metatarsals
  • phalanges

Attach the bones.  Learn anatomy.  Wear them all day.  Be scary and awesome.  Take pictures and post to your blog.

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