Wednesday 12 November 2014

Colon cancer surgery


I ran across this link yesterday to a surgeon live tweeting a colon cancer (large intestine) surgery that was happening this morning at 5am.  How awesome is that!

Here is the link to the twitter feed:

Sunnybrook twitter account

You can scroll back to the start of the surgery, follow along, look at the pictures and watch the youtube videos of the surgery.  It is absolutely awesome, since we just started learning about this system and now we can actually see it!  From a surgery this morning in Toronto.  We are lucky.

Use this amazing learning opportunity, and write a blog post that includes (but is not limited to) the following:

What were you surprised by?
What was the most amazing part?
Could you relate the parts they are working on (live) to the colouring sheet, diagrams, or notes that we took in class?
What was the most interesting part?
What did you learn from this that you didn't know before? 

You can copy pics and/or link specific videos that you are referring to in your blog post.  You can even tweet the Sunnybrook account with your comments or link to your blog post so that they can see how this impacted your learning.


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