Friday 28 November 2014

Digestive System Unit Assessment

Create a video that demonstrates your knowledge of the digestive system and biological molecules.

Groups of 3 or less

Uploaded and posted by the end of today

Use all the resources that you have!  Including notes, textbooks, assignments, shirts, blog posts.

Your assignment must include the following info (but is not limited to…):

Trace the path of a polymer of starch, protein or lipid through the digestive system – include how and where digestion occurs, what enzymes and “juices” are involved, what is the end result.

·      Organs of the alimentary canal and functions
·      Accessory organs and functions
·      Physical and mechanical digestion
·      Peristalsis
·      Enzymes involved – produced by, act on…

Relate each person in your group’s interesting post to the digestive system (make connections to what we have learned)

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