Thursday 13 November 2014

Interesting Joint Problem post

Last week we had a library day to post about something interesting about the joints in your body (shoulder, ankle, knee...).  Many of you have posted this - please make sure that you are NOT copy & pasting your info straight from a website.  How much are you learning if you do this?  Is this interesting for you to learn about or your classmates to read?

You are to also post WHY you chose this topic - you can edit your post if you need to add this or make it more interesting.  Again, some of the posts are great - really interesting, lots of links, pictures etc... but some of you can work on finding a topic that is actually cool!  It may have to do with explaining why you chose it...

The last part of this assignment is to read others blog posts and comment - this is an alternative to actually presenting to the class (like we did for respiratory system).  I have a posted a link in an earlier post with everyone's blog that you need to use.  Please read and comment on at least 5 posts - and mostly outside of the students you usually sit with.


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