Wednesday 12 November 2014

Digestive System T-shirt assignment

You will be creating your own, one of a kind, handcrafted digestive system T-shirt - complete with proper anatomy to scale, including all the digestive system and accessory organs that would be found inside of you.

Materials needed:

  • white or light coloured t-shirt
  • permanent markers / sharpie
  • a good picture for reference!

Draw and label the following parts of the digestive system on the front of your T-shirt:

  • esophagus
  • pyloric sphincter
  • cardiac sphincter
  • stomach
  • small intestine
  • duodenum
  • large intestine
  • rectum
  • anus
  • liver *
  • pancreas *
  • gall bladder *

* These organs are called accessory organs - they are very important for digestion - providing enymes and other fluids that allow digestion to occur, but food does not travel through them like it does the other organs listed that make up the alimentary canal.

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