Wednesday 12 November 2014

Exercise Science Fitness Assignment

I will be updating this assignment throughout the week - this is what you can work on (you need to make good use of your time and be self-directed!) while I am doing individual interviews.

You were given a handout 2 weeks ago that had information about health related and skill related components of fitness... Please complete that information and use that as a starting point to create your personal fitness program (using the FITT principle).

Describe your fitness goal (using proper terminology and how it relates to a component of physical fitness) and why you are choosing this goal.  It can be the same goal (likely) as the one you described earlier in the course.

Using the FITT principle - create a 6 week fitness program that you can follow that is specific to your goal.  Find actual specific workouts (online, in an app, that you are already doing), list them in detail, including the dates you are going to do them,  and make sure that they are working toward the goal that you have set... Look up the principle of specificity and overload, and include that information in your plan.

Plan a pre-fitness test and post-fitness test to provide information about potential results.

Find an app/calendar/ plan to RECORD & provide evidence of your workouts.


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