Monday 3 November 2014

What is important to us?

Report cards are right around the corner - my marks are to be submitted on Nov 14, so we need to be up to date before then.  We have this week (minus post secondary day on Wednesday from 1pm on) and then a long weekend and 2 field trips (Wed - ice skating, Thurs - fit nation) to fit in our interviews.

First off, think about what is important to you in your learning.

I value curiosity, enjoyment & fun, engagement & ownership, having an open mind and pushing your limits.  I think that learning content can lead to more important lessons such as learning about yourself, finding your interests and passions, feeling confident and empowered.  We have this amazing opportunity in the coop, spending so much time together, having a chance to build relationships like no other group in the school.  Let's make the most of it.

Spend some time today completing blog posts & assignments (vital capacity lab, respiration lab, skeleton costume post, mechanics of breathing questions, circ. system study notes, red blood cell video, skeletal system colouring package, FITT question package, fitness goal / test / app or workout post...) and organizing yourself for our interview.  You must be PREPARED for our interview and come with the following portfolio evidence:

Biology - Evidence of learning: quizzes, tests, assignments, blog. Examples of your best work (blog post, assignment). Suggestions for improvement / learning goals.
Pillars - content (completion & quality of work), reflection on learning

Exercise Science - Evidence of learning: blog posts, assignments, heart rate, cardiovascular benefits of fitness, personal fitness ideas / goals, applications of learning.  Goals for second semester.
Pillars -  content, applying learning, setting goals

Super Fit - Field trips - written reflection on significance, enjoyment, learning from field trip experiences.  Specific example of pushing your limit.  Motivation, work ethic, participation.  Evidence?
Pillars - participation, reflection, motivation, fitness

What are you working on that can not be counted (in a traditional class)? Be prepared to tell me about it.

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