Tuesday 16 December 2014


You have learned about DNA in grade 11 - today will be a quick review, starting with a Crash Course Video on DNA structure and replication!

We will be adding DNA transcription and translation (protein synthesis).

Cell Organelle Ornament

It's the last week before holidays and it's time to get festive:)

You will be making a christmas tree ornament in a petri dish & clay - a eukaryotic animal cell.

Include the following organelles in your ornament:

nuclear membrane / envelope
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
rough endoplasmic reticulum
free floating ribosomes
golgi apparatus
cell membrane

While you don't have to label your actual ornament (that would be really difficult, since it is so small), you do need to know what each of the organelles are - come and show me each organelle when you are done.

Friday 28 November 2014

Digestive System Unit Assessment

Create a video that demonstrates your knowledge of the digestive system and biological molecules.

Groups of 3 or less

Uploaded and posted by the end of today

Use all the resources that you have!  Including notes, textbooks, assignments, shirts, blog posts.

Your assignment must include the following info (but is not limited to…):

Trace the path of a polymer of starch, protein or lipid through the digestive system – include how and where digestion occurs, what enzymes and “juices” are involved, what is the end result.

·      Organs of the alimentary canal and functions
·      Accessory organs and functions
·      Physical and mechanical digestion
·      Peristalsis
·      Enzymes involved – produced by, act on…

Relate each person in your group’s interesting post to the digestive system (make connections to what we have learned)

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Digestive System Inquiry

There are SO many possibilities here - time to get curious about the digestive system and post ask a question, find something interesting to post about!  We should have no duplicate topics.

We will present them to the class tomorrow - the same as before, just a quick introduction to the topic that you found, show a picture or short video clip if you have one.

Along with teaching up about your topic, answer the following questions about your topic/problem/disease:

1.  Why did you choose this topic?
2.  How does it relate to what we have learned about the digestive system?
3.  What questions do you NOW have about this topic/digestion?

Digestive system organs

Watch this animation as review of the functions of the different organs of the digestive system:

Digestion Animation

Complete the 5 question quiz under the animation - what was your score?  Screen shot and post your results?

Monday 24 November 2014

Biological Molecules Lab

You will be posting pictures of your observations for each part of the lab with a description of what is happening - so if someone who wasn't in the lab read your post, they would know what it was about.

Part one - Testing for lipids
Part two - Testing for starch
Part three - Testing for sugar

In each part, describe what a positive & negative test looks like, the specific food you tested and the results for each. (make a chart?)

The follow up questions will be submitted on paper.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Biological Molecules - Crash Course Video

Watch this video and complete the questions about Biological Molecules... To be checked for completion by me at the end of the block.  We will NOT be doing notes on all of the biological molecules (like we did for proteins), so this is it!  Ask questions if you have them now!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Gymnastics Field Trip

Our field trip tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov 19) is at Splitz Gymnastics on 64th and 176th in Cloverdale.

We are going to be catching the bus (364) on the corner at 64 and 144 at 1:21
Field trip from 1:45 to 2:45
Catching the 364 back at 2:50 (back to school at 3:05)

You will need bus fare (1.75 each way)
Wear gym strip & you will be taking your socks off (get those toes ready!)
There is a foam pit, big trampoline and ropes to climb = FUN!

PLEASE BRING YOUR MONEY FOR FIELD TRIPS FOR OCTOBER AND NOVEMBER IN ASAP.  I will have to cancel/postpone next week's 2 field trips if most money has not been paid.

Monday 17 November 2014

Protein activity

Post your pictures from the protein activity today - you should have 4 pictures (primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary)...

Along with your answers to the 5 questions written on the white board.

One more thing that I forgot to add - please look up an image of the structure of 2 different amino acids that you used to compare the variable or R groups.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Interesting Joint Problem post

Last week we had a library day to post about something interesting about the joints in your body (shoulder, ankle, knee...).  Many of you have posted this - please make sure that you are NOT copy & pasting your info straight from a website.  How much are you learning if you do this?  Is this interesting for you to learn about or your classmates to read?

You are to also post WHY you chose this topic - you can edit your post if you need to add this or make it more interesting.  Again, some of the posts are great - really interesting, lots of links, pictures etc... but some of you can work on finding a topic that is actually cool!  It may have to do with explaining why you chose it...

The last part of this assignment is to read others blog posts and comment - this is an alternative to actually presenting to the class (like we did for respiratory system).  I have a posted a link in an earlier post with everyone's blog that you need to use.  Please read and comment on at least 5 posts - and mostly outside of the students you usually sit with.


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Colon cancer surgery


I ran across this link yesterday to a surgeon live tweeting a colon cancer (large intestine) surgery that was happening this morning at 5am.  How awesome is that!

Here is the link to the twitter feed:

Sunnybrook twitter account

You can scroll back to the start of the surgery, follow along, look at the pictures and watch the youtube videos of the surgery.  It is absolutely awesome, since we just started learning about this system and now we can actually see it!  From a surgery this morning in Toronto.  We are lucky.

Use this amazing learning opportunity, and write a blog post that includes (but is not limited to) the following:

What were you surprised by?
What was the most amazing part?
Could you relate the parts they are working on (live) to the colouring sheet, diagrams, or notes that we took in class?
What was the most interesting part?
What did you learn from this that you didn't know before? 

You can copy pics and/or link specific videos that you are referring to in your blog post.  You can even tweet the Sunnybrook account with your comments or link to your blog post so that they can see how this impacted your learning.


Digestive System T-shirt assignment

You will be creating your own, one of a kind, handcrafted digestive system T-shirt - complete with proper anatomy to scale, including all the digestive system and accessory organs that would be found inside of you.

Materials needed:

  • white or light coloured t-shirt
  • permanent markers / sharpie
  • a good picture for reference!

Draw and label the following parts of the digestive system on the front of your T-shirt:

  • esophagus
  • pyloric sphincter
  • cardiac sphincter
  • stomach
  • small intestine
  • duodenum
  • large intestine
  • rectum
  • anus
  • liver *
  • pancreas *
  • gall bladder *

* These organs are called accessory organs - they are very important for digestion - providing enymes and other fluids that allow digestion to occur, but food does not travel through them like it does the other organs listed that make up the alimentary canal.

Exercise Science Fitness Assignment

I will be updating this assignment throughout the week - this is what you can work on (you need to make good use of your time and be self-directed!) while I am doing individual interviews.

You were given a handout 2 weeks ago that had information about health related and skill related components of fitness... Please complete that information and use that as a starting point to create your personal fitness program (using the FITT principle).

Describe your fitness goal (using proper terminology and how it relates to a component of physical fitness) and why you are choosing this goal.  It can be the same goal (likely) as the one you described earlier in the course.

Using the FITT principle - create a 6 week fitness program that you can follow that is specific to your goal.  Find actual specific workouts (online, in an app, that you are already doing), list them in detail, including the dates you are going to do them,  and make sure that they are working toward the goal that you have set... Look up the principle of specificity and overload, and include that information in your plan.

Plan a pre-fitness test and post-fitness test to provide information about potential results.

Find an app/calendar/ plan to RECORD & provide evidence of your workouts.


Interview Schedule

Friday 7 November 2014

Digestive System

Here is a great website with information on the digestive system:

national geographic digestive system

Amazing real digestion video - we will watch this one together as a class...

Thursday 6 November 2014


Using the following links as reference, organize the notes provided (colour code, then cut and paste with pictures).  These will become part of your notes for exercise science.

Types of joints

Types of joints with pictures

Now that you are aware of the basic types of joints within the skeletal system - I would like you to think about possible problems and joint injuries (ankle, knee, wrist, spine, shoulder, hip etc...)  Choose one interesting joint injury or disease, research and post about it.  Include links, pictures, video etc.  Why did you choose this?

Tuesday 4 November 2014

November Field Trip Update

November Field Trips
Human Kinetics

Date – Wednesday, November 12
Time – 1-2:15 plus bus time
Location – Newton Arena
Cost – Skate rental $3, mandatory helmets (rental $1.50)
Transportation – City Bus (req. bus fare)

Date – Thursday, November 13
Time – 2 – 3:30
Location – Fit Nation Gym, Surrey
Cost - $10
Transportation - Walking

Date – Wednesday, November 19
Time – 1:45 to 2:45 plus bus time
Location – Splitz Gymnastics (Cloverdale)
Cost - $5.00
Transportation – City Bus (req. bus fare)

Date – Saturday, November 22
Time – 9am race start, bib pick up 8-8:45
Location – Tynehead Park, Surrey
Cost - $15 – pre-register & pay online at http://events.mec.ca/node/31456
Transportation – parent/student drivers

Date – Monday, November 24
Time – 12:30 – 1:30
Location – Central City Arena
Cost - $5.00
Transportation – City Bus (req. bus fare)

Date – Thursday, Nov 27
Time – 2 – 3pm
Location – CrossFit Renegade, 64th and KG, Surrey
Cost – $8.50
Transportation – Walking

Monday 3 November 2014

What is important to us?

Report cards are right around the corner - my marks are to be submitted on Nov 14, so we need to be up to date before then.  We have this week (minus post secondary day on Wednesday from 1pm on) and then a long weekend and 2 field trips (Wed - ice skating, Thurs - fit nation) to fit in our interviews.

First off, think about what is important to you in your learning.

I value curiosity, enjoyment & fun, engagement & ownership, having an open mind and pushing your limits.  I think that learning content can lead to more important lessons such as learning about yourself, finding your interests and passions, feeling confident and empowered.  We have this amazing opportunity in the coop, spending so much time together, having a chance to build relationships like no other group in the school.  Let's make the most of it.

Spend some time today completing blog posts & assignments (vital capacity lab, respiration lab, skeleton costume post, mechanics of breathing questions, circ. system study notes, red blood cell video, skeletal system colouring package, FITT question package, fitness goal / test / app or workout post...) and organizing yourself for our interview.  You must be PREPARED for our interview and come with the following portfolio evidence:

Biology - Evidence of learning: quizzes, tests, assignments, blog. Examples of your best work (blog post, assignment). Suggestions for improvement / learning goals.
Pillars - content (completion & quality of work), reflection on learning

Exercise Science - Evidence of learning: blog posts, assignments, heart rate, cardiovascular benefits of fitness, personal fitness ideas / goals, applications of learning.  Goals for second semester.
Pillars -  content, applying learning, setting goals

Super Fit - Field trips - written reflection on significance, enjoyment, learning from field trip experiences.  Specific example of pushing your limit.  Motivation, work ethic, participation.  Evidence?
Pillars - participation, reflection, motivation, fitness

What are you working on that can not be counted (in a traditional class)? Be prepared to tell me about it.

Skeletal System videos

From watching the video above, we just HAVE to learn more...

Friday 31 October 2014

Bones of the Skull - Pumpkin carving

Include all of the following bones (with labels & boundaries) when you carve your pumpkin:



Use your colouring sheet as a guide as well as the following pictures:

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Skeleton costume project - Ex Sci

Using our colouring sheets & images from the internet as a guide (make sure the pics are anatomically correct & science based) we will be making skeletons out of paper to stick onto black clothes on Friday morning.  If you already have a costume on, you can affix your skeleton to your paper me (2nd choice!)

Using white paper (or bring white poster board), make each of the following bones in full size:

  • clavicle
  • sternum
  • ribs
  • scapula
  • humerus
  • radius
  • ulna
  • carpals
  • metacarpals
  • phalanges
  • cervical vertebrae
  • thoracic vertebrae
  • lumbar vertebrae
  • sacrum
  • coccyx
  • illium
  • ischium
  • femur
  • patella
  • tibia
  • fibula
  • talus
  • metatarsals
  • phalanges

Attach the bones.  Learn anatomy.  Wear them all day.  Be scary and awesome.  Take pictures and post to your blog.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Exercise Science - Physical Fitness

Today we will be learning about the components of physical fitness -

Link to PDF

Use this guide (skip to page 6) to answer the questions on paper - relating your fitness goal from the other day to the components of physical fitness and applying the FITT principle of training to your goal.

Another link to a slide share presentation with good basic info about the components of physical fitness

Monday 20 October 2014

Biology 12 - Oct 21

Your assignment in the library today is to be curious about the respiratory system.
Find out the most interesting things that you can about the respiratory system.  Stick with one theme (ie.  tree growing in lung, effects of cigarette smoke, lung punctured by wayward javelin, vital capacities of various olympic swimmers, dangers to respiratory system of scuba diving)

You will be presenting what you find to the class so be sure that you understand your material and be able to relate your topic back to what we are learning about in class.

Today you will be creating blog post where you have written about your interesting topic and included links to video clips, pictures (for us to see and for your presentation) & links to the articles that you have read.
YOU MUST POST SOMETHING BY THE END OF PERIOD 3 TODAY, even if you need to edit it afterwards...

I am looking forward to reading some interesting posts!  Have fun!

Ex science

Post the following 3 things:

Your fitness goal

How you can measure it (specific fitness test)

A workout / app that will help you meet your goal. 

Friday 17 October 2014

Crash Course Video

Here is the link to the Crash Course Video on Circulatory and Respiratory systems:

Your assignment is to watch the video, laugh at the funny parts, and think about how the two systems are connected - how do they work together?  What is one interesting thing that you learned?

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Interim report - HKin Coop

Human Kinetics Coop

Hi Mom and Dad!
This is my interim report for the Human Kinetics Coop.

So far, the highlights for me have been:

I am the most proud of:

The most interesting things I have learned about are:

An example of when I really pushed myself in SuperFit is:

I could make improvements in:

I am really looking forward to:

The Basics - WORK HABITS:

Attendance (classes missed and why) -

Participation in field trips (woo kim, grouse grind, rock climbing) -

Lates (how many & reasons) -

Preparedness for class (gym strip &/or supplies) -

Class time management (are you using your class time to complete your work?  engaged in class discussion? participating? following along? doing your best? or talking too much? ) -

Blog assignment completion - (out of 8 assignments) Comments?

Self evaluation of work habits for each class in coop - G/S/N

Biology 12:
Exercise Science 12:
Super Fit 12:

Thursday 9 October 2014

Biology 12 - Blood Typing

We are learning about blood typing in class today.

Here are the rest of the notes on Rh factor - copy onto your sheet.

Diagram for ABO Blood typing - antigen, antibodies, donors, recipients.

Please follow the link below to play the blood typing activity game.


Grouse Grind Post

Great job on the grouse grind yesterday!

Your assignment is to write a post about your experience - include pictures, times, etc. if you have any...

a)  Describe the physiological response of your body to the exercise (heart rate? breathing rate? capillary dilation? body temperature? muscular fatigue? what hurt?  what was your limiting factor - why couldn't you go faster?)

b)  You have cut and paste notes about the 3 energy systems - what energy systems were you using during the grouse grind and how do you know?  (hint: more than one!)

If you did not participate in the field trip, please do this assignment based on your memory of a physical event that was very intense (beep test? 10 km race?  soccer playoff game?) - describe your participation and what the event was... and then proceed with the assignment above.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

VO2 max

What is VO2 max and how is it measured?

During cardiovascular endurance exercise, your heart tries to keep up with the requirements of your muscles to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide so that you can continue to exercise.  As exercise intensity increases, your circulatory and respiratory system need to work harder and harder to meet the oxygen needs of your working muscles (using your AEROBIC energy system).  Your VO2 max is measured at the point that you can no longer sustain the activity.  VO2 max is a measure of overall cardiovascular fitness, specifically how well your body transports and uses O2.

What is your VO2 max?  Use the calculator in the following link to see an estimation based on your beep test score.

Maximal oxygen uptake norms for men (ml/kg/min)

 Age (years)
excellent> 60> 56> 51> 45> 41> 37
above average47-5143-4839-4236-3832-3529-32
below average37-4135-3931-3429-3126-2922-25
very poor< 30< 30< 26< 25< 22< 20

Maximal oxygen uptake norms for women (ml/kg/min)

 Age (years)
excellent> 56> 52> 45> 40> 37> 32
above average42-4639-4434-3731-3328-3125-27
below average33-3731-3427-3025-2722-2419-21
very poor< 28< 26< 22< 20< 18< 17
source: these norms have been derived from several and now unknown sources.

Read the following article about the 3 energy systems that produce ATP during exercise & complete the cut and paste notes provided.

What type of energy system were we training yesterday with the hill run?